Mark Whitfield

Mark Whitfield

Mark Whitfield


Mark Whitfield graduated from the University of Queensland with a Bachelor of Science degree before completing his Masters of Chiropractic degree in 1998 at Macquarie University in Sydney. Having worked as an associate at a busy clinic in Parramatta, Sydney for four years, Mark decided to return home to Brisbane. After continuing to work as an associate Chiropractor brisbane at a highly regarded, busy Brisbane city practice, Mark opened Corrective Chiropractic in May, 2004 to service the Algester and surrounding suburban areas.


Mark practices using a variety of treatment techniques that range from more passive adjustments using an Activator instrument, to more “manual” style adjustments using both Diversified manual technique and Drop-table adjusting. Whilst commonly utilised to remove irritation to spinal nerves, Mark also uses specific adjustment techniques to treat peripheral problems. These types of conditions may vary from shoulder, elbow or wrist complaints to hip, knee or foot problems. In addition to adjustment procedures, Mark also incorporates relevant stretching and specific muscle release techniques as well prescribing any home stretching and/or strengthening rehabilitation exercises that may be necessary. All patient cases are examined with a holistic view in mind, thus particular workstation and sleep posture, external activities and diet may also need to be assessed.


Mark lives locally and is married with three children.

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When was the last time you had yourself or your family checked for poor posture? Call your Chiropractor today!
In our practice, we have patients present to us with Neck Pain, Headaches, Low Back Pain, Pins and Needles and Numbness.
Did you know that Chiropractors don’t just treat people for back pain, but also have patients present with shoulder, elbow, wrist, knee and ankle pain?
Chiropractic is the third largest Health Profession after Medicine and Dentistry.

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