Chiropractic Services

What we do


Central Park Shopping Centre, Shop 2A, 168 Algester Rd, Calamvale, Queensland 4116

07 3272 4622

Chiropractic Services

Chiropractic brisbane is offered as a stand-alone modality separate from our massage  services provided, but can and often is incorporated with massage  treatment for optimum results. Our Chiropractors have completed a 5 year full-time University Masters degree and are both members of the Chiropractors Association of Australia

New Patients

On your first visit to our clinic as a new patient, you’ll be required to complete a health assessment questionnaire which details your medical history and any information pertinent to your current health complaint. The Chiropractor will then conduct a full history with you followed by a comprehensive Orthopaedic and Neurological examination.

The purpose of this consultation visit is to answer two questions:

  1. Is your problem a Chiropractic case?
  2. Are we able to help you?


If the answer to both is yes, the Chiropractor will possibly require some X-Rays of your spine. X-Ray referrals are given to you at this appointment which allows you to have them bulk-billed. Your X-Rays are then uploaded to our Portal. This usually takes 1-2 business days. Your next appointment is called a “Report of Findings”, where Dr Mark has a look at your results and creates a completely personalised Treatment Plan.

The first visit will take approximately 30 minutes.

Treatment of some type will often be conducted on this visit if it is safe to do so. Your safety is our number one priority so in some cases the Chiropractor will need to see your X-Rays first before any treatment can be carried out. This is always dependant on each individual case.

On your second “Report of Findings” visit, your Chiropractor will go over all of your test results and propose a treatment plan to correct your problems/complaints. Your treatment plan will formally commence on this visit if you choose to go ahead with the treatment recommendations.

Regular Visits

Once your Chiropractor has outlined a treatment plan for you, your visits each time thereafter will not take as long; a regular adjustment visit will usually take less than 15 minutes. Whilst your spinal joint corrections are done gently and very carefully, they don’t take too long to administer, so you can be out doing things you need to and not lying on a treatment bench for an hour or more. Treatment for spinal problems will normally incorporate specific Spinal adjustments, muscle release techniques or stretches and often some take home exercises for rehabilitation and to reduce the chances of you re-aggravating your condition, thus preventing a relapse.

Patients who have other areas of complaint such as shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip knee or ankle and foot pain can also receive treatment for these ailments at the same time as a spinal adjustment during a regular visit.

There is no extra charge for treating multiple areas of concern in the same visit.

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