X-Ray Service

What we do


Central Park Shopping Centre, Shop 2A, 168 Algester Rd, Calamvale, Queensland 41165

07 3272 4622

X-Ray Service

X-Rays are crucial in determining there is no pathology (such as cancer, tumors, infection etc) causing your problem. Once more serious pathology has been ruled out, the X-Rays help us assess for Arthritis or degeneration in the spine and also help us assess your posture and biomechanically how your spine is functioning. We can detect abnormal curves in the spine, missing bones and even too many bones.

Although the radiation exposure is very minimal from modern day X-Ray facilities, X-Rays are only taken when absolutely necessary, but provide an exceptional tool to complete the clinical picture of what may be causing your problems. X-Rays are referred out to Radiology clinics nearby at a location convenient to you the patient, and are bulk billed to eligible Medicare card holders.

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