Headaches and Chiropractic

Headaches and Chiropractic
Headaches and Chiropractic

Chiropractic can help with a myriad of conditions but the ones we see the most as Chiropractors, and the ones we specialise in at Corrective Chiropractic are particularly Headaches, but also lower back pain relating to disc herniation, sciatica and leg pain or sacro-iliac joint problems.

Headaches can vary in type from migraine to tension or even cluster headaches, and each need to be addressed and treated correctly. Headaches with associated neck pain are extremely common in our office and respond exceptionally well to Chiropractic treatment. As a chronic headache sufferer myself, it is through the treatment of headaches by Chiropractic that made me become a Chiropractor, so it’s a condition I’ve been passionate about for the past 15 years in practice.

If you suffer headaches, have your neck checked by a Chiropractor!


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